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Preparation is key…

For anything we do in life, preparation is key. When we sit down to carry out a task, we give ourselves enough time to plan it, do it and then review it to make sure it is done as well as it possibly can be. Right? Well, in the ideal world with time on our

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Make Innovation Formal…

Like everything in business (and indeed life), if tasks, duties and projects whether they be a once-off or on-going, do not get formal treatment, they will not happen. What do I mean by formal treatment? By formal treatment I mean, we set a day, time and duration to discuss what is involved, what needs to

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Need, Learn & Do…

We all know and realise that communication and the ability to speak to, persuade and influence people is paramount in a career, especially when you have career ambitions. If you are self-employed, communication is your number one business survival tool. If you are one of those people and feel that your competency(s) in communication is

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Before, During or After…

When should we give the speeches at our wedding, before, during or after the meal? Let’s investigate the best option! Before the meal [row] [span4] Advantages: All speakers can enjoy the meal The speeches will be over and done with They maybe shorter than normal The Bestman will be have their speech out of the

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